
MG12 - Talk detail

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Lee, Adrian


University of California, Berkeley  - LeConte Hall - United States - CA - USA





Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Galaxy Cluster Obsevations with the APEX-SZ Experiment

We are observing known galaxy clusters via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect at 2 mm wavelength with the APEX 12 m telescope and a 320 pixel bolometer array camera. We are making 2D maps with unprecedented sensitivity and dynamic range of angular scales. We can explore the full extent of large nearby clusters with a resolution of 1 arcminute, and compare the radial profiles to theoretical models. When combined with x-ray density data, we can make radial profiles of temperature, gas density, total density, and gas-mass fraction. Such data allow us to address the question of missing baryons in galaxy clusters and to calibrate the mass-SZ signal relationship which is critical to interpret blind SZ surveys that are currently being carried out.


CMB Polarization Observations with the POLARBEAR Experiment

POLARBEAR is a ground-based CMB polarization experiment. It features a 1288 bolometer receiver and a 3.6 meter primary mirror that achieves a beam-size of 4 arcminute at 150 GHz. Science goals include characterization of E-mode polarization and search for B-mode polarization from gravitational lensing and primordial gravitational waves. The experiment plans to have an engineering run in 2009 in eastern california and to be operational in Atacama Chile in 2010. We will discuss the design of the optics, receiver, detectors, and observation strategy. We will also discuss the mitigation of systematic errors, which is of critical importance for detecting the faint CMB polarization signals.

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