
MG12 - Talk detail

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Belinski, Vladimir


ICRANET  - Piazza della Repubblica, 10 - Pescara - - Italy





A Model for the Source of Repulsive Gravity

We constructed the exact solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations with the spherically symmetric Nambu-Goto charged membrane as a source. We stress that the physically acceptable range of parameters for which the static and stable state of the membrane producing the Reissner-Nordstrom (RN) repulsive gravity effect exists. The point is that membrane are able to cut out the central naked singularity region and at the same time to join in appropriate way the RN repulsive region. Then we have a model of an everywhere regular material source exhibiting a repulsive gravitational force in the vicinity of its surface: this construction gives a more sensible physical status to the RN solution for the naked singularity case.


Quantum fields in accelerated system

This talk represents, in a sense, a completion of our study of the so-called Unruh “effect”. The case of bosonic field we investigated long time ago. The behaviour of fermions have been studied recently. The final conclusion is that the Unruh “effect” is absent for any statistics of particles. Thus, both the theoretical predictions and numerous proposals of experiments based on the assumption of the existence of this effect are unfounded.

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