
MG12 - Talk detail

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FOULON, Bernard


ONERA  - 29 avenue de la Division Leclerc - Chatillon - - France





Development status of the payload for the MICROSCOPE mission

The major payload of the MICROSCOPE mission called T-SAGE (Twin Space Accelerometer for Gravitation Experiment) is fully dedicated to the in orbit test of the Equivalence Principle (EP), symmetry at the origin of the General Relativity theory. The instrument embarks two pairs of test-masses made of Platinum Rhodium alloy and Titanium alloy that are used to perform the test of the Universality of free fall and to largely improve the based ground experiments with an expected accuracy of better than 1E-15. Based on electrostatic space accelerometers developed in ONERA, T-SAGE has been designed with challenging technologies for the electronics and for the sensor core. The present development stage concerns the payload qualification phase. Results obtained with finite elements models will be presented demonstrating the structural and thermal behaviour of the instrument in agreement with the stringent requirements coming from the micro satellite launch conditions and the exceptional thermal stability needed for the experience performance. The qualification model is under production and will be integrated and tested during in the year 2009. A specific effort has been paid to produce the instrument core made in gold coated silica. Thanks to specific ultra-sonic machining processes exhibiting micrometer accuracy, the specifications for these dedicated elements are now achievable. Both the results of the qualification model metrology and the performance budget will be shown and discussed. At last, the current status of the instrument development will be addressed focusing on the main performance and schedule drivers.

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