
MG12 - Talk detail

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MOK, Ho Ming


RHU, Hong Kong SAR Government  - 3/F., 28 Tai Hong Street, Sai Wan Ho - HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR - China (Beijing)





The Solution of the Cosmological Constant Problem by Discrete Spacetime at Electroweak Scale

The author has recently proposed that the cosmological constant problem could be resolved by assuming that the space-time itself behaves as the phase of Higgs condensate and is discrete in nature. Based on such hypothesis, the theoretically calculated vacuum energy density, which corresponds to the cosmological constant, agrees excellently with the recent cosmological observations. Further, a different approach with the same hypothesis, but using the concept of vacuum entropy constrained by the Holographic Principle rather than considering the vacuum energy, also consistently arrives at the same cosmological constant value. Such theoretical results reveal that the nature of cosmological constant would be fundamentally related to the quantum theory of gravity. Recently, as proposed by C.J.Hogan through the Holographic Principle, the GEO600 gravitational waves detection experiment would provide experimental evidences that the fabric space-time is grainy and made of tiny units like pixels in a scale much larger than the Planck scale. The currently presence of excess detection noise spectrum of the interferometer of GEO600 experiment would be due to the quantum fluctuation of space-time and therefore would already reveal the discreteness of the fabric space-time in electroweak length scale. If such interpretation is substantiated, it provides an important support of the author¡¦s proposed solution of cosmological constant by discreteness of space-time in electroweak scale. In the talk, we discuss about the relationship between the solution of cosmological constant problem and the quantum nature of space-time, particularly in view of the recent development of the holographic noise interpretation of GEO600 experiment as the possible experimental evidences, for the quest of dark energy and quantum gravity.

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