
MG12 - Talk detail

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Stornaiolo, Cosimo


INFN - sezione di Napoli  - Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo, via Cinthia - Napoli - - Italy





Spacetime deformations and inhomogeneous universes

I define the concept of spacetime deformations as n extension of conformal transformations. Deformations are a covariant way to relate different metrics and therefore different geometries. In particular I show how one can describe a inhomogeneous cosmological model by deforming an exact solution like the FLRW and try to study its physical implications.


F(R) theories with torsion

I present the F(R) theories with torsion. I discuss their mathematical formulation, the nature of torsion in these theories and their relation with a particular Brans-Dicke theory. A comparison with the F(R) theories with torsion is made. Finally I present a cosmological model in these theories.

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