
MG12 - Talk detail

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Víchová, Miroslava


Silesian University at Opava  - Bezruèovo námìstí 13 - Opava - Czech Republic - Czech Republic





Equatorial orbits in the Kerr--anti--de Sitter spacetimes

We discussed the equatorial motion of test particles in Kerr-anti-de Sitter spacetimes. The basic properties of circular orbits: energy, angular momentum, stability and orientation are disputed in black-hole and naked-singularity cases. Marginally stable, marginally bound and photon orbits are studied. The orientation of the motion along the circular orbits is treated according to conformity with relating the motion to the locally nonrotating frames. The orbits are divided into plus-family and minus-family orbits. All minus-family orbits are counterrotating. In the plus-family case are orbits mostly corotating. But in the naked-singularity spacetimes with low rotational parameter a there are plus-family orbits counterrotating. In addition some of these counterrotating plus-family orbits in the Kerr-anti-de Sitter naked-singularity spacetimes have negative energy.

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