
MG12 - Talk detail

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BEUF, Guillaume


IPhT (CEA SACLAY)  - CEA/SACLAY - Orme des Merisiers - GIF-SUR-YVETTE - - France





AdS/CFT for the early stages of heavy ion collisions

AdS/CFT and other gauge/gravity dualities have been intensively used in the last few years in order to explore the properties of strongly coupled gauge theories near equilibrium. Such studies are motivated by heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC. However, the early stages of such collisions are out-of-equilibrium, in particular the thermalization process, and are thus poorly understood. I present two studies in the AdS/CFT framework about these early stages. In the first one, exact gravitationnal waves in AdS background are derived, and proposed as gravity dual to ultrarelativistic nucleus before the collision. The second one is an exploration of Einstein equations and their solutions just after the collision, looking for a convergence towards hydrodynamics in the gauge theory side.

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