
MG12 - Talk detail

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Ribeyre, Xavier


CELIA  - 351, cours de la libération - Talence - - France





High frequency gravitational waves generation in laser plasma interaction

In this work, we present analytical estimations and numerical simulations of generation of the HFGW in interaction of high power laser pulse, with a medium in three different situations. First, during the time of laser plasma interaction, a strong shock driven by the ablation pressure is generated in the bulk material. In this configuration a material is accelerated in the shock front and in the ablation zone. Because of a short laser pulse duration HFGW are generated in the GHz domain. Another configuration is a thin foil accelerated by a high ablation pressure produced by the laser heating and ablation. This configuration is susceptible to produce HFGW due to the foil acceleration or a collision of two counter propagating foils. Finally, a HFGW could be produced with high power laser facilities dedicated to the inertial confinement fusion like the National Ignition Facility (NIF in USA), the Laser Mégajoule (LMJ in France), or the European project for the inertial fusion energy HiPER. The laser driven implosion fusion can radiate HFGWs if the implosion of cryogenic deuterium-tritium (DT) micro-sphere would be assymetric and produce a quadrupolar momentum. Then the fusion reactions produce in central DT core high velocity jets which radiate HFGW in 100 GHz domain during the plasma expansion. Calculations are performed to estimate the luminosity spectrum and energy of GWs emitted by sources that are technologically available now or may be available in near future.

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