
MG12 - Talk detail

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Visco, Massimo


IFSI-INAF  - Via del Fosso del Cavaliere,100 - Rome - - Italy





Recent results of the IGEC2 Collaboration search for gravitational wave bursts

The IGEC2 collaboration includes the groups operating worldwide gravitational waves resonant detectors. We present the results of 515 days of observations performed with the four experiments ALLEGRO, AURIGA, EXPLORER and NAUTILUS in the period November 2005 April 2007. The IGEC2 observatory duty cycle was so high to ensure 94% of the total time with at least 3 detectors and 57% with all 4 detectors operating in coincidence. The data analysis searched for short signals with significant components around 900 Hz where the spectral sensitivities of the detectors have their maximum. We decided to claim for detection if one or more candidates event were found in time coincidences at least in three detectors, given a level of casual event of 1 per century. The background casual rate of events was tuned to the required value by using a blind procedure: each of the groups added a secret shift to the real time of candidate events in the exchanged lists. The final search, once the secret time shifts were disclosed, did not produce any coincidence on the whole period.

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