
MG12 - Talk detail

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MacFadyen, Andrew


New York University  - 4 Washington Place, Room 505 - New York - NY - USA





Hydrodynamics of GRB Outflows

I will present high-resolution two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of relativistic outflows from gamma-ray bursts. The high-accuracy RAM (Relativistic Adaptive Mesh) code with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) is used to accurately resolve fine structures and lateral spreading dynamics in gamma-ray burst outflows. I will present the first multi-band synchrotron light curves computed from high resolution 2D (axisymmetric) simulations. I will also discuss prolonged engine activity from the central engine relevant for late flares.


Relativistic Blast Waves

I will discuss numerical simulations of relativistic outflows and their observational signatures.


Magnetic Field Amplification in Turbulent Shear Flows

The origin of large scale magnetic fields in a variety of astrophysical outflows has remained a mystery. I will present high resolution three-dimensional relativistic magnetohydrodynamical (RMHD) simulations of shear instabilities and ensuing turbulence. We have computed the power spectrum of mildly relativistic 3D MHD turbulence at a resolution of 1024 cubed which will be presented. The model amplifies weak seed magnetic field to values of one half of a percent (0.005) of the total energy density. I will also discuss charged test particle acceleration in shearing turbulent flows.

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