
MG12 - Talk detail

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Huterer, Dragan


University of Michigan  - 450 Church St - Ann Arbor - MI - USA





Mysteries of the Large-Angle Microwave Sky

Measurements of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies by the WMAP experiment provide a unique window to the processes in the early universe. While the inferred cosmological parameters are generally in good agreement with the currently favored cosmological model, large-scale CMB anisotropies exhibit statistically significant and entirely unexpected correlations with directions defined by the Solar System, in conflict with the assumption of statistical isotropy. Moreover, the angular two-point correlation function at large scales is approximately zero in all wavebands and is discrepant with the best fit LambdaCDM inflationary model at 99.97% confidence. I discuss these findings and their relation to other widely discussed results inferred from the CMB.

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