
MG12 - Talk detail

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Bojowald, Martin


The Pennsylvania State University  - 104 Davey Lab - University Park - PA - USA





Perturbations in Loop Quantum Cosmology

While realistic space-time solutions cannot easily be found in classical or quantum gravity, perturbation schemes around simple solutions can provide a good view of the physics involved. In loop quantum cosmology, there are different kinds of degrees of freedom to be included: inhomogeneities around FRW models, and quantum effective interactions even of isotropic space-times. A summary of the current status will be given, together with potential implications for the big bang and structure formation.


Approaching Isotropic Singularities in Quantum Cosmology

Quantum cosmology can be formulated as an effective system, where the set of classical variables is extended by infinitely many moments of a quantum state. All these variables are in general coupled in a complicated way of quantum back-reaction. We describe this system in a perturbative effective way and discuss how classical asymptotics of the approach could be influenced by quantum dynamics.


How quantum is the big bang?

Quantum effects are often expected to play a crucial role in making non-singular cosmologies possible. Effective equations in quantum cosmology will be used to analyze the prospects for a general resolution of big bang singularities in different models and quantization schemes.


DEBATE: Invited participant in the debate on quantum cosmology in the COT4 session

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