
MGAT1 - Integrability and Solution Generating Methods for Einstein's Field Equations in Four and Higher Dimensions


Vitale, Salvatore


Richard Kerner

Talk Title

Gravitational Waves as Deformations of Embedded Einstein Spaces


We show how approximate radiative solutions of Einstein's equations can be constructed using small deformations of Einstein space-times embedded into a pseudo-Euclidean flat space of higher dimension. Infinitesimal deformations are seen then as vector fields in $E^N$. All geometrical quantities can be then expressed in terms of embedding functions $z^A$ and their deformations $v^A , \, \, \, z^A \rightarrow {\tilde{z}}^A = z^A + \varepsilon \, v^A + \varepsilon^2 \, w^A +...$. Then we require the deformations to keep Einstein equations satisfied up to a given order in $\varepsilon$. The system obtained is then analyzed in particular cases of the Minkowski and Schwarzschild manifolds taken as starting point, and solutions of deformations of Einstein's equations displaying radiative behavior are found up to the third order of expansion in small parameter $\varepsilon$

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