
ANM2-ANM3 - Compact Binary Simulations: Spins and Gravitational Recoil, Comparisons with Post-Newtonian Results / Interfacing analytical and numerical relativity


Bona, Carles


Carles Bona-Casas

Talk Title

Constraint-preserving boundary conditions: the Gowdy waves test-bed.


The Gowdy waves metric is proposed as a strong-field test-bed for constraint-preserving boundary conditions in Numerical Relativity. The 3-torus space topology allows periodic boundary conditions, so that one can test the constraint-related degrees of freedom by themselves, without requiring any further ansatz for the remaining modes. Also, the planar symmetry of the solution allows testing separately the longitudinal and transverse modes, by applying the boundary conditions selectively to one or another face. This numerical test can detect whether the energy-momentum constraints fully propagate outside the computational domain or rather show a significant amount of reflection, even if the constraints are actually preserved in both cases.

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