
ANM2-ANM3 - Compact Binary Simulations: Spins and Gravitational Recoil, Comparisons with Post-Newtonian Results / Interfacing analytical and numerical relativity


Ajith, Parameswaran


M. Hannam, S. Husa, B. Bruegmann, Y. Chen, N. Dorband, D. Mueller, F. Ohme, D. Pollney, C. Reisswig, J. Seiler

Talk Title

"Complete" gravitational-waveform templates for black-hole binaries with non-precessing spins


We present the first ready-to-use analytical template family of "complete" inspiral-merger-ringdown waveforms to search for gravitational-wave signals from black-hole binaries with non-precessing spins. By matching a post-Newtonian description of the inspiral to a set of numerical calculations performed in full general relativity, we obtain a template family with a conveniently small number of physical parameters (total mass, symmetric mass ratio and total spin). Our phenomenological model recovers by construction the test-particle limit of the inspiral phase. We show that these waveforms are "effectual" in detection of the larger parameter space of black-hole-binary coalescence and "faithful" in estimating the parameters.

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