
COM2 - Dark Energy and Universe Acceleration


Penna Lima, Mariana


Martin Makler

Talk Title

Constraints on Dark Energy from the Abundance of Galaxy Clusters: Effects of Redshift Uncertainties and Mass Threshold


In the coming years, the next generation wide field surveys will lead to the discovery of large numbers of galaxy clusters, both from optical identifications and through the Sunyev-Zel'dovich effect, providing excellent databases to constrain Dark Energy (DE) parameters from cluster abundance. One observable that is sensitive to the DE equation of state is the redshift evolution of the number of clusters above a given mass threshold. In this work we make a preliminary assessment of the effects of photometric redshifts and detection method on the uncertainties of the derived DE parameters, respectively by varying the widths of the redshift bins and the mass threshold. We model DE by the equation of state p = w rho and obtain the expected confidence contours in the $(\Omega, w)$ and $(\sigma_8, w)$ planes assuming the other cosmological parameters are perfectly know. We use as fiducial DE models a cosmological constant (w = -1), as well as other values of w.

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