
COM2 - Dark Energy and Universe Acceleration


Dumin, Yurii

Talk Title

Local Hubble Expansion in the Dark-Energy-Dominated Cosmology


The problem of local Hubble expansion (e.g. for the planetary orbits or for the stellar orbits in a galaxy) is discussed for over 65 years; and a number of arguments both in favor and against this effect were put forward. In the present talk, after a brief review of the previous approaches, I am going to discuss the local Hubble effect in the framework of the dark-energy-dominated cosmological models, where its existence seems to be most plausible. The starting point of our consideration will be Kottler solution of the General Relativity equations written in Robertson-Walker coordinates [Yu.V. Dumin. Phys. Rev. Lett. v.98, p.059001 (2007)]. Next, I shall discuss the problem of correct choosing the observable quantities and possible applications to the interpretation of the available data on the dynamics of the Earth-Moon system.

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