
SQG1 - Strings/Brane Motivated Gravity


Melkumova, Elena


D.V.Galtsov, Z.G.Zhgunev, S.Zamani Moghaddam

Talk Title

Particle-brane interaction up to the second order.


In the Randall-Sundrum II model point particles are gravitationally repelled from the brane. In the linearized theory description (a test 3-brane in flat 5D Minkowski space) the repulsive nature of the gravitational interaction of a point particle with the codimension-one brane is due to contribution of negative pressure in the brane stress-tensor. We investigate further the issues related to gravitational interaction of the 3-brane and a particle moving in the bulk using the perturbation theory. In the first order in the Newton constant the particle impinging on the test 3-brane causes a kink-like protrusion with discontinuity along the spherical shell of variable radius which collapses to a point when the particle approaches the brane and expands back when it moves away. In the second order this deformation gives rise to gravitational radiation whose amplitude diverges in the direction normal to the brane. Physical implications of this result are discussed.

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