
ANM1 - Post-Newtonian and Analytic Approximations


Steinhoff, Jan

Talk Title

ADM canonical formulation with spin and application to post-Newtonian approximations


Recently, different methods succeeded in calculating the spin dynamics at higher orders in the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation. This is an essential step toward the determination of more accurate templates for gravitational waves, to be used in future gravitational wave astronomy. In this talk we focus on the extension of the ADM canonical formalism to compact spinning objects. Using the global Poincare invariance of asymptotically flat spacetimes as the most important guiding consistency condition, this extension can be constructed order by order in the PN approximation. We succeeded in deriving all Hamiltonians for binary systems at the formal 2PN order, i.e., counting spin of the same order as linear momentum. This includes all next-to-leading order spin effects, sufficient for maximally rotating objects up to and including 3PN. The extension of our formalism to the formal 3PN and 3.5PN order will be discussed.

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