
ANM5 - Supernova Explosions and Neutron Star Oscillations


Lai, Dong

Talk Title

Tidal Excitations of Neutron Star Oscillation Modes in Coalescing Compact Binaries


In a coalesing neutron star (NS) binary, various oscillation modes of the NS can be resonantly excited by the tidal force of the companion in the last few minutes prior to binary merger. This can affect the orbital decay rate and the gravitational waveforms. We review our current understanding of resonant excitations of f, g, and inertial (including Rossby) modes and show that under certain conditions they may leave their inprints on the binary inspiral waveforms and provide a new tool to study NS oscillations. Similar, but much larger effects in compact binaries containing white dwarfs, relevant to LISA, will also be discussed.

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