
AP1 - Search for Dark Matter


Montanari, Claudio


WArP Collaboration

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The WArP Experiment


The WArP 100 liters detector was commissioned at the INFN Gran Sasso Underground Lab in May 2009. A central target of 100 liters (140 kg) of liquid argon contained in a double phase detector, is surrounded by a 9 ton single phase liquid argon active detector and shield and by a 200 ton neutron and gamma rays passive shield. Argon scintillation light is recorded by a two different slow and fast components which permit an additional very efficient separation of electrons from Argon recoils. An overall rejection efficiency of the order of 10-8 against electron recoils is to be achieved for the central target, removing the natural Ar-39 and other backgrounds. This represents so far the largest mass detector for direct Dark Matter searches currently in activity. Early results on detector behavior and performance, and the first period of operation will be reported.

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