
APT1 - Observations of Astrophysical Black Holes


Chakrabarti, Sandip K,


Dipak Debnath, Broja Gopal Dutta and Anuj Nandi

Talk Title

Evidence of two component flows in the evolution of QPOs in Outburst sources


There seems to be a universality in the way the QPOs evolve in the outburst sources. We present examples of several such cases and follow how the QPOs evolve. Our conclusions are (a) The shock waves propagate towards the black holes during the rising phase and away from the black hole during the decline phase; (b) The oscillation of the shock causes the QPOs; (c) The QPO frequency variation can be modeled very accurately using very small propagation velocity (d) At the beginning of the outburst phase even the Keplerian disk is found to be in a formative stage.

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