
APT2 - Extreme Properties of Neutron Stars Observations and Theory


Nobili, Luciano


Roberto Turolla, Silvia Zane

Talk Title

On the spectral formation in Magnetar candidates


Detailed observations of magnetars show that the ~1-10 keV spectrum can be modeled by the superposition of a blackbody and a power-law component. Within the magnetar scenario, the twisted magnetosphere model proved quite successfull in explaining the observed spectra in terms of resonant compton upscattering of soft thermal photons onto charge carriers flowing in the magnetosphere. However the comparison bewteen the observed spectra and those obtained by accurate theoretical models shows that this mechanism works well only if the magnetosphere is filled by "slow" electrons (v<0.8c) rather than by ultra relativistc charges. We discuss the possiblity that Compton losses could limit the effective acceleration of electrons in the region of the closed (twisted) field lines even in presence of a very high potential gradient.

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