
APT2 - Extreme Properties of Neutron Stars Observations and Theory


Kotrlová, Andrea


Zdenek Stuchlik, Gabriel Torok

Talk Title

Quasiperiodic oscillations in braneworld neutron star spacetimes


The strong gravitational field of neutron stars in the brany universe could be described by spherically symmetric solutions with a metric in the exterior to the brany stars being of the Reissner-Nordström type containing a braneworld tidal charge representing the tidal effect of the bulk spacetime onto the star structure. We investigate the role of the tidal charge in orbital resonance models of high-frequency quasiperiodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in neutron star binary systems. We give the radial profiles of frequencies of the Keplerian (vertical) and radial epicyclic oscillations. We show how the standard relativistic precession model modified by the tidal charge fits the observational data, giving estimates of the allowed values of the tidal charge and the brane tension based on the processes going in the vicinity of neutron stars. We compare the strong field regime restrictions with those given in the weak-field limit of solar system experiments. We make some estimates for selected atoll sources.

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