
APT3 - Observations from High Energy Astrophysics Satellites


Dickinson, Mark Dickinson

Talk Title

The obscure history of AGN: deep GOODS observations with Spitzer, Chandra, and other facilities


The formation of galaxies and supermassive black holes is closely intertwined, but we do not yet fully understand their co-evolution. Additional complications arise from the fact that a large fraction of active galactic nuclei appear to be heavily obscured by dust and gas in their host galaxies. At high redshift, infrared-luminous galaxies are vastly more numerous than they are today, and recent observations from Spitzer, Chandra, and other facilities suggest that both ultraluminous star formation and obscured AGN play extensive roles in this active galaxy population. I will review recent work in this area, highlighting results from the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) and other observing programs that shed light on this obscure topic.

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