
APT3 - Observations from High Energy Astrophysics Satellites


McHardy, Ian

Talk Title

X-ray variability of AGN and relationship to Black Hole X-ray Binaries


Accretion onto compact objects is the major power source in the universe. Study of the X-ray variability of AGN and X-ray binaries enables us to understand better the accretion process and the ejection process by which energy is fed back into the surrounding medium, thereby affecting processes such as star and galaxy formation. I will review the current observations of AGN X-ray variability and discuss how they compare with the variability of X-ray binaries. I will discuss X-ray spectral-timing ``states'' and AGN/binary timing comparisons. I will review whether jet-dominated sources follow the same patterns as isotropically emitting AGN. Time permitting, I will show the relationships between X-ray and optical (and radio) variability, enabling us to understand the origin of the optical/radio variations in AGN.

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