
APT4 - Astrophysical Black Holes from Quasars to Nano-Quasars


Raychaudhury, Somak


E. O'Sullivan, S. Giacintucci, J. M. Vrtilek, L. P. David, R. M. Athreya

Talk Title

The effect of supermassive black holes in the intracluster medium in groups and clusters of galaxies


The lack of very cool gas at the cores of groups and clusters of galaxies, even where the cooling time is significantly shorter than the Hubble time, has been interpreted as evidence of sources that might re-heat the intra-cluster medium Gravitational heating, mergers and conduction are among the candidates, but most studies of rich clusters adopt AGN heating to be predominant. Here we assess the roles of various sources of feedback in clusters and groups of galaxies. Putting together observations from the Chandra X-ray satellite and the Giant Metrewave radiotelescope in India yields spectacular evidence of the energy transfer between the supermassive black holes in several galaxies in each group and cluster, and the intracluster gas, and provides a unique insight into the nature of feedback.

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