
BHT1 - Strong Fields and Particle Physics in Astrophysics


Nieuwenhuizen, Theo M.


Carl Gibson and Rudy Schild

Talk Title

Gravitational hydrodynamics of large scale structure formation


The gravitational hydrodynamics of the primordial plasma with neutrino hot dark matter is considered as a challenge to the bottom-up CDM paradigm. Viscosity and turbulence induce a top-down fragmentation scenario before and at decoupling. The first step is the creation of voids in the plasma, which expand to $37$ Mpc on the average now. The remaining matter clumps turn into galaxy clusters. Turbulence produced at expanding void boundaries causes a linear morphology of 3 kpc fragmenting protogalaxies along vortex lines. At decoupling galaxies and proto-globular star clusters arise; the latter constitute the galactic dark matter halos and consist themselves of earth-mass H-He planets. These planets are observed in microlensing and in planetary nebulae when heated by a white dwarf. The approach also explains the Tully-Fisher and Faber-Jackson relations, and CMB temperature fluctuations of micro-Kelvins.

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