
BHT2 - Black Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Rings and Black Strings)


Nedkova, Petya


Stoytcho S. Yazadjiev

Talk Title

Sequences of dipole black rings and Kaluza-Klein bubbles


The bubble-black hole sequences are exact solutions to the five-dimensional Einstein equations describing chains of black holes separated by the so called "bubbles of nothing" - regions where spacetime does not exist. In this talk we present a charged version of such spacetime configuration. More precisely, we construct a class of exact solutions to the 5D Einstein - Maxwell equations with Kaluza-Klein asymptotics that represents sequences of Kaluza-Klein bubbles and dipole black rings. We use 2-solitonic transformations choosing as seed solutions vacuum Kaluza-Klein bubble-black hole sequences. Further, we explore the physical characteristics of the solution and discuss the consequences of the presence of charge.

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