
BHT2 - Black Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Rings and Black Strings)


Maier, Rodrigo


I. Damião Soares

Talk Title

Forming Nonsingular Black Holes from Dust


The dynamics of the gravitational collapse is examined in the realm of string based formalism of D-branes that encompasses General Relativity as a low energy limit. A complete analytical solution is given to the spherically symmetric collapse of a pure dust star, including its matching with a corrected Schwarzschild exterior spacetime. The collapse forms a black hole (an exterior event horizon) enclosing not a singularity but perpetually bouncing matter in the infinite chain of spacetime maximal analytical extensions inside the outer event horizon. This chain of analytical extensions has a structure analogous to that of the Reissner-Nordstrom solution, except that the timelike singularities are avoided by bouncing barriers. For the exterior geometry of the nonsingular black hole, we examine the corrections on the Hawking temperature and on the experimental tests of General Relativity. In the case of a quasi-extremal black hole, we reproduce Bekenstein's results of black hole thermodynamics. It's worth to remark that the interior trapped bouncing matter has the possibility of being expelled by disruptive nonlinear resonance mechanisms.

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