
BHT2 - Black Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Rings and Black Strings)


Pugliese, Daniela


Valentino Lacquaniti, Giovanni Montani, Remo Ruffini

Talk Title

Effective potential approach to the motion of massive test particles in Kaluza-Klein gravity


Effective potential for a class of static solutions of Kaluza-Klein equations with three-dimensional spherical symmetry is studied. Test particles motion is analyzed.In attempts to read the obtained results with the experimental data, particular attention is devoted to the Schwarzschild's limit of the four--dimensional counterpart of these (free-electromagnetic) solutions. Massive particles stable circular orbits in particular are studied, and a comparison between the well--known results if the Schwarzschild's case and ones found for the static higher-dimensional case is performed. A modification of the circular stable orbits is investigated in agreement with the experimental constraints.

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