
BHT6 - Analog Gravity


Dumin, Yurii

Talk Title

Simulation of Cosmological Horizons by Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices and Multi-Josephson-Junction Loops


Excessive formation of topological defects (monopoles, vortices, and domain walls) is a long-standing problem in the consideration of cosmological phase transitions. An important hint to its resolution was given by the multi-Josephson-junction loop (MJJL) experiment [R. Carmi et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., v.84, p.4966 (2000)], which revealed the specific thermal correlations between the phases of order parameter in the spatial subregions which were disconnected during the phase transition. Inclusion of such correlations into the simplest 1D FRW cosmological model [Yu.V. Dumin, hep-ph/0308184 (2003)] have really shown a much reduced number of the defects (kinks) of the scalar field. A further support for this idea comes from the recent experiments with clouds of ultracold atoms formed independently in the wells of an optical potential [Z. Hadzibabic et al. Nature, v.441, p.1118 (2006) and subsequent publications]. The measured efficiency of the defect formation after the interference of the clouds supports the earlier MJJL results and agrees very well with our theoretical predictions.

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