
COM2 - Dark Energy and Universe Acceleration




Anjan A Sen, Gaveshna Gupta

Talk Title

Non-Minimal Quintessence with Nearly Flat Potential


We consider Brans-Dicke type nonminimally coupled scalar field as a candidate for dark energy. In the conformally transformed Einstein's frame, our model is similar to a coupled quintessence model. In this model, we consider potentials for the scalar field which satisfy the slowroll conditions : $[(1/V)(dV/d\phi)]^2 << 1$ and $(1/V)(d^2V/d\phi^2) << 1$. For such potentials, we show that the equation of state for the scalar field can be described by a universal behaviour, provided the scalar field rolls only in the flat part of the potentials where the slowroll conditions are satisfied. This generalizes the results obtained for the quintessence or phantom models obtained earlier. We have also studied the observational constraints on the model parameters considering the Supernova and BAO observational data.

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