
COT3 - Nonsingular Cosmology


Ostermann, Peter

Talk Title

Relativistic Deduction of a Stationary Tohu-va-Bohu Background Cosmology


Given there has been something where the big-bang origin of our evolutionary 'local' cosmos took place: What is the relativistic line element describing the energy density and pressure of such a pre-existing universal background ('tohu va bohu')? - Two simple postulates are used to deduce the one and only stationary solution of general relativity implying a constant universal speed of light as well as redshift parameters independent of time. It is shown that its gravitational 'dark' pressure, corresponding to a stationarily changing cosmological constant, must be negative. There is a struggle of local SRT (representing quantum mechanics) and universal GRT (representing gravitation). In particular, intrinsic limitations of proper length and time are derived, which would cause a stationary background universe to be chaotic.

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