
COT4 - Quantum Cosmology and Quantum Effects in the Early Universe


Falciano, Felipe Tovar


Pinto-Neto, N.

Talk Title

Scalar Perturbations in Scalar Field Quantum Cosmology


In this talk we shall show how to obtain the simplest equations for the Mukhanov-Sasaki variables describing quantum linear scalar perturbations in the case of scalar fields without potential term. This was done through the implementation of canonical transformations at the classical level, and unitary transformations at the quantum level, without ever using any classical background equation. These equations were then used to calculate the spectrum index $n_s$ of quantum scalar perturbations of a non-singular inflationary quantum background model, which starts at infinity past from flat space-time with Planckian size spacelike hypersurfaces, and inflates due to a quantum cosmological effect, until it makes an analytical graceful exit from this inflationary epoch to a decelerated classical stiff matter expansion phase.

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