
COT4 - Quantum Cosmology and Quantum Effects in the Early Universe


Lecian, Orchidea Maria


M. V. Battisti, O. M. Lecian, G. Montani

Talk Title

Comparison of the Cosmological Singularity in the GUP and Polymer Frameworks


We investigate the role played by quantization schemes and the choice of the variables to be quantized in the removal of the cosmological singularity. In particular, we analyze the Taub cosmological model, for which an internal time variable can be found, such that the only degree of freedom left is the space-likevariable describing the anisotropy. The quantization of this remaining degree of freedom is performed within the frameworks of a generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) and of the polymer representation of quantum mechnaics. As a result, the cosmological singularity is probabilistically removed in the Gup Taub Universe, while the polymer effects do not suppress the singularity. We compare these two approaches and results with other proposals, outline the main differences, which can be interpreted as responsible for different results, and consider possible generalizations.

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