
EG1 - Tests of Local Lorentz Invariance


Klioner, Sergei


Sven Zschocke, Michael H. Soffel, Alexey G. Butkevich

Talk Title

Testing Local Lorentz Invariance with high-accuracy astrometric observations


The problem of testing of the Local Lorenz Invariance using high-accuracy astrometric observations is analysed. The modelling of astrometric observation involves a formula for relativistic aberration which is usually derived from the Lorentz transformation. The Mansouri-Sexl generalization of the Lorenz transformation is considered in this work and a generalized aberration equation is derived. It is demonstrated that the leading effect violating the Local Lorentz Invariance is by the same combination of the Mansouri-Sexl parameters as measured in Michelson-Morley-type experiments.

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