
EG1 - Tests of Local Lorentz Invariance


Itin, Yakov

Talk Title

Wave propagation in axion electrodynamics


The axion contribution to the electromagnetic wave propagation is studied. We show that in order to represent the axion contribution to the wave propagation it is necessary to go beyond the geometric approximation, which is usually used in the premetric formalism. We derive a covariant dispersion relation for the axion modified electrodynamics. The wave propagation in this model is studied for an axion field with timelike, spacelike and null derivative covectors. The birefringence effect emerges in all these classes as a signal of Lorentz violation. This effect is however completely different from the ordinary birefringence appearing in classical optics. The axion field does not simple double the ordinary light cone structure, it modifies the global topological structure of light cones surfaces.

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