
EG1 - Tests of Local Lorentz Invariance


Carbone, Ludovico


H.Panjwani, C.C.Speake

Talk Title

A torsion balance search for temporal variations of the Newtonian constant


We have recently set up a torsion strip balance experiment to perform continuous measurements of the Newtonian constant. The apparatus is the one previously used for the absolute determination of G (T.Quinn et al, PRL 2001). The experiment measures individual values of G at a constant rate of about 100 samples a day and has been operating continuously since the beginning of this year. This experimental setup is sensitive to possible relative temporal variations of the Newton's constant and to any signal that would mimic it, for example velocity dependent effects. Our preliminary analysis of the first 80 days of data sets upper limits for any signal with sidereal or half-sidereal period at the ppm level. We present here the details of the experimental campaign and discuss the obtained results.

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