
GW1 - Sources of Gravitational Waves


Hinderer, Tanja


Eanna Flanagan, Jocelyn Read, Benjamin Lackey

Talk Title

Constraining neutron star tidal Love numbers with gravitational wave detectors


Coalescing binary neutron stars are one of the most important sources for ground-based gravitational wave detectors. One of the key scientific goals of detecting the signal from such binaries is to obtain information about the nuclear equation of state, which is at present poorly constrained in the density range relevant to neutron star interiors. I will discuss the potential feasibility of obtaining robust constraints on the neutron star internal structure from gravitational wave observations with LIGO using data only from the early, low-frequency part of detected neutron star binary inspirals. In this adiabatic regime, the influence of a neutron star's internal structure is a small correction to the waveform's phase, but it is a relatively clean signature and depends only on a single parameter of the star related to its tidal Love number, namely, the ratio of the induced quadrupole moment to the perturbing tidal field, whose computation I will discuss for fully relativistic stars.

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