
GW1 - Sources of Gravitational Waves


Beckwith, Andrew

Talk Title

Stretched neutrinos, and the supposed linkage to Gravitons/ HFGW data sets


Following discussion of George Fuller and Chad Kishimoto, in PRL, 2009, the issue of if or not a correlation exist between neutrino physics, and HFGW data sets / gravitons will be raised anew, with a particular emphasis upon what happens if the following scenario outlined by Fuller and Kishimoto arises. What if as the "universe expanded, the most massive of these states slowed down in the relic neutrinos, stretching them across the universe". If an initial close correlation between Gravition data sets/ HFGW and relic neutrinos exists in the beginning, do we have in any case a situation where there is a corresponding 'stretch out' of gravitons? If so, what would this say about the relevant requirements for graviton/ HFGW detectors?

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