
HR1 - Recent Advances in the History of General Relativity


Nurgaliev, Ildus

Talk Title

Nonlinearities in the Universe


Increasing of our understanding Universe takes place, one way, as consideration of the more sophisticated nonlinear mechanisms governing physical world, dynamics and structure of the Universe. The shifting from Galileo (linear with respect to velocity) transformations to Lorentz (nonlinear with respect to velocity) ones gives special relativity. The shift is way to avoid velocities greater than velocity of light. The attempts to avoid infinite energy density of blackbody are also based on leaving linearity (of energy distribution with respect to frequencies). Therefore quantum hypothesis can be interpreted as CONSEQUENTIAL way of interpretation of the nonlinearity rather than corner stone on the foundation of the new NONLINEAR physics. This is close to what Einstein wanted. Shift from linear paradigm (interpretation) into nonlinear one can be done in different ways: geometrically – by including nonlinearities into character of geometrical relations in micro- and mega scales (GR and pos-Einstein theories of gravity), “physically” – interpreting nonlinearity as an attribute of “physical” interactions. The author articulates his “Paradigm-21” as an attempt to unite different approaches to describe the nature in ever simplest way (including, besides mentioned, higher orders and ranks of model systems). The space is nothing but a component of matter lacking in all attributes of matter except geometrical attributes. The space is the continuation of an observer. Coordinates are maps of one component of matter done by another. The time is mapping one map by another. This is if we “hypotheses non fingo” de facto. One of the illustrations of the simple but crucial nonlinearities is demographical formula (population dynamics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nurgaliev's_law) dN/dt=aNN-bN where two terms in RHS are births and deaths. The recent findings (documents) in history of GR are presented

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