
MGAT10 - Chaos in rotating systems


Benini, Riccardo


Giovanni Montani

Talk Title

The last ten years of the Mixmaster model


From the first analyses of BKL and Misner, the Mixmaster model has attracted a lot of interest because of its intrinsic complexity and physical relevance. After a brief description of the ideas and of formalisms of these classical works, we present a review of the latest developments and results obtained mainly facing the dynamical properties of such a cosmological model. In particular we will discuss some crucial questions concerning the definition of chaos with respect to the Mixmaster model. The main results we obtained over the last ten years in this field are presented and compared with the relevant issues of the complementary literature. Finally we will focus on the covariance of the inhomogeneous Mixmaster chaos and on the open issues concerning the final fate of this model toward the initial singularity.

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