
MGAT3 - Theoretical Issues in GR




Enrique Alvarez, Anton Faedo.

Talk Title

Observational Constraints on Transverse Gravity: a generalization of Unimodular Gravity.


We explore the hypothesis that the set of symmetries enjoyed by the theory that describes gravity is not the full group of Diffeomorphisms (Diff(M)), as in General Relativity, but a maximal subgroup of it (TransverseDiff(M)), with its elements having a Jacobian equal to unity; at the infinitesimal level, the parameter describing the coordinate change $xi^{\mu}(x)$ is transverse, i.e., $\partial_{\mu}\xi^{\mu}=0$. Incidentally, this is the smaller symmetry one needs to propagate consistently a graviton, which is a great theoretical motivation for considering these theories. Also, the determinant of the metric, g, behaves as a “transverse scalar”, so that these theories can be seen as a generalization of the better-known Unimodular Gravity. We present our results on the observational constraints on Transverse Gravity, in close relation with the claim of equivalence with general Scalar-Tensor Theory. We also comment on the structure of the divergences of the quantum theory to the one-loop order.

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