
MGAT4 - Exact Solutions (Physical Aspects)


Hazboun, Jeffrey


Tevian Dray

Talk Title

The effect of positive and negative energy shells on joined Schwarzschild spacetimes and their Penrose Diagrams


This work shows that the boundary conditions proposed by Dray and ’t Hooft between Schwarzschild geometries of equal mass describe a horizon shift that necessitates a change in the shape of the resulting Penrose diagram. The drawing of diagrams with geometries of unequal mass leads to a horizon shift that is more involved. The shift that results from the presence of a negative energy shell, in both equal and unequal mass cases, allows for travel between the heretofore causally separated exterior regions of the Schwarzschild geometry. These drawing techniques are then used to investigate the properties of successive shells, joining multiple Schwarzschild solutions. We show that the horizon shift is dependent, not only on the total energy of the shell, but on the placement of the shell, and therefore its density.

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