
MGAT4 - Exact Solutions (Physical Aspects)


Kadlecova, Hedvika


Andrei Zelnikov, Pavel Krtous, Jiri Podolsky

Talk Title

Gyratons on direct product spacetimes


We present and analyze exact solutions of algebraic type II on backgrounds which are a direct product of 2 spaces of constant curvature. This family of (electro)vacuum background spacetimes contains the Nariai, anti-Nariai and Plebanski-Hacyan universes of type D, or conformally flat Berttoti-Robinson and Minkowski spaces. The gyraton solutions are given in a simple Kundt metric form. They belong to the recently discussed class of spacetimes constant scalar invariants (CSI) of the curvature tensor. We show that the Einstein equations reduce to a set of linear equations on the transverse 2-space which can be explicitly solved using the Green functions.

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