
MGAT6 - Higher Derivative Theories


Olmo Alba, Gonzalo


Hèlios Sanchis-Alepuz, Swapnil Tripathi

Talk Title

Enriched phenomenology in extended Palatini theories.


We study the field equations of $f(R,R_{\mu\nu}R^{\mu\nu})$ Palatini theories of gravity and provide an algorithm to solve for the independent connection for arbitrary lagrangian. We find that, in particular cases of interest, the physical metric and the metric associated with the independent connection are related by means of a disformal transformation. This relation between physical and auxiliary metric becomes conformal in the case of f(R) theories. We also show with explicit models that the inclusion of Ricci squared terms in the action can impose upper bounds on the accessible values of pressure and density, which might have important consequences for the early time cosmology and black hole formation scenarios. Our results indicate that the phenomenology of these theories is much richer than that of f(R) and f(R_{\mu\nu}R^{\mu\nu}) theories and that they also share some similarities with Bekenstein's relativistic theory of MOND.

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