
MGAT6 - Higher Derivative Theories


Boehmer, Christian


Lukas Hollenstein, Francisco S. N. Lobo, Sanjeev S. Seahra (co-authors of various papers in this field)

Talk Title

Stability of the Einstein static universe in modified thoeries of gravity


We analyze the stability of the Einstein static universe by considering homogeneous scalar perturbations in the context of f(R) and f(G) modified theories of gravity. By considering generic forms of f(R) and f(G), the stability regions of the solutions are parameterized by a linear equation of state parameter w=p/rho. Contrary to classical general relativity, it is found that in f(R) and f(G) gravity a stable Einstein cosmos with a positive cosmological constant does indeed exist. Thus, we are lead to conclude that, in principle, modifications of general relativity can stabilize solutions which are unstable in general relativity.

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