
MGAT7 - Gravitational Fields with Sources


Konopka, Tomasz

Talk Title

Static Isotropic Spacetimes with Radially Imperfect Fluids


When solving the equations of General Relativity in a symmetric sector, it is natural to consider the same symmetry for the geometry and stress-energy. This implies that for static and isotropic spacetimes, the most general natural stress-energy tensor can be written as a sum of a perfect-fluid and a radial imperfect-fluid component. In the special situations where the perfect-fluid vanishes or describes a cosmological constant, the solutions to Einstein's equations can be thought of as modified Schwarzschild and Schwarzschild-de Sitter spaces. I will describe the geometric properties of these solutions, summarize how solar-system observations constrain the magnitude of the imperfect-fluid component, and mention under what circumstances this component can describe dark-matter-like effects.

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