
MGAT8 - Alternative Theories


Verbin, Yosef


Y. Brihaye, Physique Theorique et Mathematiques, Universite de Mons-Hainaut, Place du Parc, B-7000 Mons, Belgique

Talk Title

Spherically-Symmetric Gravitational fields in Conformal Gravity and their Sources


We study the problem of the relation between spherically-symmetric gravitational fields (especially the linear potential) and their sources in conformal gravity. We analyze finite-mass spherically-symmetric structures for two types of sources: perfect fluid and complex self-interacting scalar field which produces boson stars. The analysis is performed within the "minimal" (purely tensorial) conformal gravity and also in an extended scalar-tensor theory. We present the main characteristics of the solutions and find that linear potential is generated only in very limited circumstances.

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